Registration > Fees
The registration includes :
Note 1: Only papers that at least one author is registerd and present in-person or in virtual mode will be included to the final official proceedings.
(1) Registration fees for in-person mode gives access to both LS17 and 11th EEDAL conferences, it includes access to the lectures, both conference proceedings, access to the conference plateform with the pre-recorded sessions of both LS17 and 11th EEDAL conferences and that till 90 days after the conference closing., coffee breaks, work lunches, social event and gala dinner. One author can present at maximum 3 papers with a single registration. (2) Registration for virtual mode gives access to conference plateform at the same conditions that in-preson mode. One author can present at maximum 3 papers with a siggle registration. (3) Academic registration reduded rate - Upon request. The special rate applies to academic participants from developing countries, subject to approval from to LS17/EEDAL secretary. Is tha same for in-person or remote participation. One author can present at maximum 3 papers with a single registration. (4) Accompanying persons are welcome to and will be registered for the duration of the conference including social event. This registration mode doesn't give access to the lectures, proceedings eand other technical actvities |